What Kind Of Fall Pests Come Out In The Missouri Area?
Termites: These little wood chompers cause a world of damage to homes in Missouri. Termites are year-round pests, and the fall is no exception. Look out for subterranean and flying termites in the fall this year.
Spiders: During the fall in Southern-Missouri, spiders get particularly eager to search for shelter and food. The main spiders to be wary of are the brown recluse, black widow, and wolf spider.
Rodents: Cute in pet stores. In your kitchen? Not so much. Rodents such as mice and rats can contaminate the food in your mid-Missouri home with their droppings, so it’s important to stop them from getting there in the first place.
At Powell Pest and Lawn we specialize in safeguarding your health and investments. Give us a call for your inspection today! Springfield, Missouri, Republic, Missouri