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Cicada Killer Wasps: How Dangerous Are They?

They can be up to 1 1/2″ long.

They prefer to burrow in bare ground or thin grass.

Their nests are easy to identify because of the large entry hole and excavated soil.

The female is larger than the male.

Cicada killer wasp sting paralyzes cicadas.

The cicada is taken back to the nest to be fed to wasp larvae.

Cicada killer wasps are beneficial insects-they fight high populations of cicadas.

As long as you don’t bother the cicada killer wasp too much, the two of you should be able to live in harmony.  If you have questions or concerns about these or other insects in or around your home, contact us and we will gladly offer advice.  For help with pest control around your home, consider our pest services and get pest control tailored to your needs.

Note: Insect stings can provoke serious reactions, particularly for those with allergies.  Always consult a medical professional if you are stung and experience serious symptoms.


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